
Since 2017 we became involved with the PLAYING FOR CHANGE www.playingforchange.org is an international organization that builds art and music schools in countries where there are children in low-income situations. There are two of them here in Argentina: school No. 14 in the city of Cinco Saltos, province of Rio Negro, under the direction of Professor David Galdame, and school No. 15 in the city of Diamante, province of Entre Ríos, directed by Mr. Patrick Liotta, which is attended by more than 60 students weekly to take music classes.

Together with Patrick and David we work to publicize the foundation's activities and develop the movement in Argentina.
NEW BEATS is the only Argentine band that contributes part of the funds raised from shows and events held in different locations in Argentina to the Playing for Change foundation.

NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO is a triple impact cultural-solidarity project that continues to advance and is consolidated through the link established with Playing for change.  

The objective from the beginning is to raise funds for the development of the Cultural-Solidarity project and make contributions to the schools with which we are working to "help many children access education through music"

Our next event in Rosario PLAYING FOR CHANGE DAY ROSARIO 2022 – Monument to the flag of Rosario September 2022 

NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO 2018 – 2nd contribution to Escuela Playing for change Diamante, purchase of the bass drum for the school drum set, with part of the proceeds from the show held at Teatro La Comedia in Rosario, April 2018

NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO 2019 – 3rd contribution. Purchase of a 10″ ton for the drums of the Playing for change Diamante School with part of the proceeds from the show held at Teatro El Circulo in Rosario, June 15, 2019  

Playing for Change Diamante School students - with the direction of Patrick Liotta and teacher Martín Chemes sharing the stage with New Beats band in NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO 2019 show at El Circulo theater in Rosario 06-15-19

Meeting with Mark Johnson and Mermans Mosengo during the recording of one of the videos at the Botanical Garden of Buenos Aires 03-11-19

NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO 2020 – 4th contribution of the live streaming show held at the Parque España Complex in Rosario Teatro Príncipe de Asturias on 11/28/2020. Purchase of instruments for the Playing for change School Diamante – Entre Ríos – Argentina

NEW BEATS SINFONICO SOLIDARIO 2020 – Love me do version by the Playing for Change Diamante School – Entre Ríos – Argentina – Live streaming Parque España Complex, Principe de Asturias Theater in Rosario – 11/28/20

Thank you for inviting NEW BEATS BAND to participate in the video of the Playing for Change School Cinco Saltos – Patagonia, version of Muchacha ojos de Papel – Luis Alberto Spinetta – (edited March 2021)